This Firm Controls $5B in Global Assets. What's Next for AJ Capital?
The Tennessean
By Molly Davis

Stand at the top of the hill on Humphreys Street in Wedgewood Houston, and look out over the neighborhood. In the foreground is the historic May Hosiery Mills complex —a once-booming Nashville business that produced a million socks per week. Just behind that lies Nashville Warehouse Co., a new office building with architecture to match the neighborhood's post-industrial character. Next door —with the distinctive spires of downtown Nashville's "Batman building" peeking out from behind —is a new multifamily apartment building.
It was all built by AJ Capital. And the Nashville-based real estate company isn't done.

"We feel like we're kind of halfway through a multidecade process," said the firm's president, Eric Hassberger. "For everything to be fully operational, we're looking at a 20-year process. That's the way we prefer to look at things. We build things to last."
"We're in it for the long haul," he said. "We're committed. We're not going anywhere. We want to continue to invest in the city in positive ways."